You all know I’m all about using my writing to entertain. I find it enjoyable and fulfilling. Now, not everybody can write. I’m not bragging; there’s simply an indefinable something that gives the writer the ability to put his thoughts into words. Plenty of people have amazing, interesting stories to tell. Writers are just the lucky ones who get to share it through the written word.
That said, there are plenty of ways people can entertain their fellow human beings. Some make music, some make movies, some make video games, and so forth. Now, some people who can’t—due to various circumstances—actually makes these fine art forms can still use them to entertain. And that takes a skillset all its own.
Now, I actually love video games, among a great many other forms of entertainment. I love their ability to tell a good story, to put a person in an original setting in a way that nothing else can. I do not, however, like to be challenged by my video games. I can play them, but at a level that most pre-teens nowadays would mock. Copiously. I take comfort in the fact that most pre-teens don’t know what “copiously” means. Regardless, just because I can’t play a video game doesn’t mean I don’t want to experience its story or be fascinated by the world it creates. So, I unashamedly enjoy watching other people play these games.
Naturally, there are many different gamers that I watch, primarily on YouTube. But I find one of them to be particularly interesting. His name is Blonde… Mr. Blonde. He’s fairly new to the medium, he’s only got a few playlists out there so far, but what he does have is real treat to watch. The man has a good way of narrating his videos that helps draw you in. From his freaking out when an enemy appears out of nowhere to his geeking out when he finds a new weapon or power-up, it all adds greatly to the experience. It doesn’t hurt that he has a good sense of humor, and that he doesn’t get too bent out of shape when things don’t go exactly as planned. Honestly, I greatly enjoy watching him play through a variety of games, from first-person shooters, to role playing games, to strategy simulators. The man just knows what he’s doing, and how to share it in a way that’s fun and interesting. If video games are your cup of tea, I heartily recommend checking out his stuff here
As for me, I think I’ll wrap this post up so I can get back to watching his latest playlist.
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